Winlink 2000

I do not go to write story about Winlink 2000. All about it you can find on Winlink 2000 website.

As a member of DARES foundation I try to help creating a EmComm radio network in the Netherlands. As a part of this, I am running a RMS Packet with RMS Relay 24/7.
RMS Packet make it possible for remote client to exchange e-mail over radio (@ 2m) using Paclink software.
RMS Relay make it possible to save e-mail received with RMS Packet from a remote radio client until the Internet connection is available again for RMS station.


Winlink RMS Packet PA4RM-10 radio coverage (2m)

Map size 75km x 75km

Joomla templates by a4joomla
DMC Firewall is developed by Dean Marshall Consultancy Ltd